Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Blog Post # 4: Film Adaptations

       So books are made into movies. Shocking, I know. For me, reading is my life so I tend to read the book first then watch the movie, well unless I grew up watching the movies before I could even read the books.

      Like for most, Harry Potter was the huge thing while growing up. I watched the movies first of course then I went and read the books once I got old enough to do so. Reading the books opened a whole new world. There was much more detail and insight the movies just couldn't capture. Once I read the books, I went and watched the movie again and I could point out what was cut from the book and what should have happened. I always annoyed the people I watched the movies with.

     Harry Potter was probably the only book that the movies were very close to. Only a few changes here and there but other than that, they were pretty much the exact same. J.K Rowling of course, made that  happen.

    But books I've read like The Maze Runner, Perks of being a Wallflower, The Hunger Games and several others have seemed to disappoint me when I watched the movies. We would be here all day if I had to explain why for each one.

    One series in particular I wished was never made into movies was Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Saga. The books were just very benign and to be honest you could skip half the book and not miss anything important. There is just way too much detail and the storyline drags on forever.

     Percy Jackson! Those were some great books but man the movies weren't up to par. They were the worst in adapting Rick Riordan's novels. The books captured his vision beautifully but when it came to the movies the vision was lost. Going off on that The Giver was a benign book and the movie made no sense. Like why is there a spaceship at the end?

Sometimes, I will watch the movie before I read the book and I


 Unless the movie bored me to death.

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