Friday, April 17, 2015

Adventures of Hucleberry Finn by: Mark Twain

Hey guess what? I'm Back! As from the title you can tell this this post isn't on TST. I took a break on that book. I'm now reading Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Its a classic I know. Its a good book though. I saw the cartoon movie version and thought it was a good concept and well played out. 

I haven't gotten into the book yet but so far the book is good, except for Twain's grammar. Don't get me started with it........ The book and the movie i saw so far is very similar. Basically its about a boy, Huck Finn who is a mischievous boy caught between a confining life with his legal guardian and an abusive life under his drunkard father. He fakes his own death, teams up with a runaway slave named Jim, and take off on a raft down the Mississippi River. Now don't get confused with The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Tom Sawyer and Huck are in way over their heads when they witness a murder in a graveyard... see two different yet similar books both by the same author. The movie i saw was both ideas combined. It was well done and hope to say about the book as well!

As for TST I am still at the same place as before. Nothing much has happened. I am trying to long out the book till a month or so before the movie comes out to still have it fresh in my mind when i go to see it.

    Count down for school: 5 more weeks

1 comment:

  1. You did a really good job with your blog. I like how you incorporate questions and book references. Nice job.
