Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Scorch Trials : James Dashner

Hey I'm back! This week I will be talking about "The Scorch Trials" by James Dashner. I am about halfway into the book and its interesting but not as intriguing as "The Maze Runner". It had a slow beginning and not much "cool" things happening. Thomas lies to the Cranks which are like people badly infected by 'The Flare' and hopes not to get killed on their way to the safe haven where something is that is beneficial to them all. Won't get into more or i will spoil it.

Apparently WICKED was testing 2 maze groups. one with all boys and one girl and the other all girls with one boy. Meeting with them, Thomas, Newt, Minho and others face challenges and try to get to the safe haven. Teresa is blitz, Thomas is separated from his friends, some girl who is a crank (hasn't fully gone bonkers) is crushing on Thomas, he feels like he is betraying Teresa. Nothing seems to be making sense. The most scariest part- Thomas kills someone. Not saying who or why but he does and feels guilty. A problem though. Thomas can't get through to Teresa telepathically. When he does she makes no sense. Talks like she is crazy. Maybe she is. I don't know... yet... Hopefully they reunite and things go to how they were before.

          That's all y'all get for this week. Stay tuned for more on the scoop for "The Scorch Trials"


  1. This sounds like a very interesting book! I like your descriptions of all the characters and their current situations.

  2. The Maze Runner seemed like a cool book. I never read it, but I did see the movie. I've been planning to read the rest of the series to see how it progresses, and you did a great job at describing the setting of the sequel (at least, I think its the sequel).

    1. This is the second book in the trilogy. There is one (going to be two) prequel book(s) to the Maze Runner.

  3. This sounds like a great book to read! I figured that this is the second book of the series, The Maze Runner. I have heard that those series are great and I hope to read the first book and go onto the next book, The Scorch Trials.

  4. The Scorch Trials sounds like an amazing book to read. I liked how you described what was going on in the story so far, without giving away too many spoilers.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I have not gotten a chance to read the series but the second book sounds interesting with a lot of suspense! That's good because usually when the second book is good the first one is too. Sometimes the author writes a great first book (like the Hunger Games) and then the rest of the series is terrible.
